Online Classes Overview

Cedars International Next Generation High School is committed to continue offering a safe and rigorous project-based learning environment while also ensuring the health and safety of our entire learning community. For this reason, in response to the local public health concerns, we will be starting of the 2020-2021 school year entirely online. All courses will be taught through remote learning for the first 9 weeks of school (August 18 - October 16) through a combination of live, video classes and individual work.  
AT THIS TIME, ALL CEDARS INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY DISTRICT BUILDINGS ARE CLOSED UNTIL Monday September 14th. However, all classes will continue to be done entirely online. 
Student class schedules will follow the following daily learning structure: 

Remote Learning Overview 

We will continue to utilize our online learning platform, Echo, as well as Google Drive and other collaborative online applications to deliver instruction and resources to students. As in the spring, work will be submitted virtually as well. Learning expectations for each day will be divided into two types: synchronous and asynchronous

Synchronous Instruction

Asynchronous Instruction

  • Live video lesson via Zoom or other app
  • All learning at the same time
  • Interactive between Teacher and Students
  • Requires students to be present at a specific time
  • Examples: Video workshop, Question and Answer session, class discussion, Group Meetings, etc.

Note: In order to be marked present for a day in which the student is learning virtually, they must be present for 240 minutes of synchronous learning activities. See schedule below

  • Students complete self-paced learning activities that teachers post on Echo
  • Students work on their own time, submit check points and assignments virtually
  • No required presence time
  • Examples: Guided notes activity, reflections, readings or videos, individual practice problems, etc. 

Note: In order to be marked present for a day in which the student is learning virtually, the student must submit asynchronous work for the classes that are not being done during the synchronous learning time. 

Students, check the Back to School information sheet below for more detail about your schedule and how school will work while we are remote. 
Wondering how to help support your students in their online, at-home learning? Our first Virtual Parent Information Night will be Monday August 24th, from 6:30-8:00pm. Watch your email for a link to the Zoom session as we get closer. In the meantime, here are some tips:
  • Help your students get on a somewhat regular schedule! The schedule above shows when students should be in class through live-video sessions and when they should be working on their own.

  • Help them stay informed! Make sure they are checking Echo regularly and are able to send and receive emails from teachers. Echo and email will help students stay connected to teachers when they aren't in a synchronous class. If you need an Echo Parent account, let us know! Or come to the Parent Information Night and we will help get you going!

  • Help them (and you) stay safe and healthy! Encourage students to stay home as much as possible. Try not to leave the house except for essential reasons like work, food, or medical services and avoid crowds of 10 people or more. Make sure they wash their hands and avoid touching their face. The safety of our community will always be a top priority for Cedars staff
Check out the docs below for more info on the student's expectations and how you can support them
Helpful links and resources: