Students » Final Exam Exemptions

Final Exam Exemptions

Exemption Policy:

Students must have no more than 3 absences to House to qualify for exemptions

Students may choose to exempt a final exam for a class if one of the following criteria is met, for that course:

  • A grade of 95+ AND no more than 3 absences in the class
  • A grade of 90-94 AND no more than 2 absences in the class
  • A grade of 85-89 AND no more than 1 absence in the class

The number of exemptions that a student is allowed is determined by grade level:

  1. 9th may select TWO courses that qualify
  2. 10th may select THREE courses that qualify
  3. 11th may select FOUR courses that qualify
  4. 12th may select FIVE courses that qualify

Absences that DO count towards exemptions

  • Unexcused absences
  • Excused absences that do not have a doctor’s note
  • Suspension or expulsion
  • 3 tardies = 1 absence (for exemption purposes only)

Absences that DO NOT count towards exemptions

  • Religious holidays
  • Field trips and other school business
  • Official college visits
  • Excused absences with a doctor’s note
  • Testing

Exemption Procedure


Students will receive an exemption form during House the Monday before the week of the first day of Trimester Final Exams. Students should fill out their name, grade level, and class schedule then return the form to the Front Office no later than the end of the following day. Forms turned back in will be filled out by staff with total absences and first Six Weeks grades for each period before being given back to students. Students should select the exams they want to exempt, following the above guidelines, by highlighting the class and having that teacher sign the form. Completed forms are due in the Front Office no later than the end of the school day on the Friday before Exams begin.