Greetings Cedars International Next Generation Families,
I am thrilled to announce that our Student Council President, Jaclyn Munoz, has officially taken on the important role of leading our morning announcements! This is a wonderful tradition at Cedars, and we are proud to pass the torch to such a capable leader. Please join me in congratulating Jaclyn on this achievement and leadership responsibility. We know our morning announcements are in great hands and look forward to seeing her shine in this role.
As we continue to provide our students with engaging and meaningful opportunities, I am also excited to share that we will be hosting our Career Day on campus on November 4. This is a great event where students can explore various career paths, hear from professionals across different industries, and gain valuable insights into their future possibilities.
To make this event a success, we are asking for your help in recruiting presenters. If you or someone you know would be interested in sharing your career journey with our students, we would love to have you join us! Your participation can have a significant impact on our students’ future goals.
Please check your email from Mr. Ray for more details on how to get involved. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Additionally, here are a few important reminders:
- Student Verification Forms: Please sign, date, and return the student verification forms that were sent home this week. Having up-to-date information is critical, so please ensure these are returned promptly.
- Absence Notes: If your student is absent, don’t forget to send a note so their absence can be excused. This is essential for maintaining accurate attendance records.
- Project Supply Fee: We’re happy to report that we are 3/4 of the way to reaching 100% participation for the $40 Project Supply fee! If you haven’t yet made your payment, please do so online via My School Bucks or in person with cash to Mrs. Lopez in the front office.
Lastly, we are thrilled to announce our Annual Family Cookout on Friday, October 18, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. This will be an afternoon of delicious food, fun, and community-building. Come out and enjoy free BBQ chicken, potato salad, beans, watermelon, and plenty of games with the entire Cedars International High School team!
We also invite everyone to bring a dish or dessert to share with the community. It’s a great way to showcase your favorite recipes and add to the festive spirit. We might add them to the prizes in Musical Chairs.
We’re looking forward to seeing all of you there for a day of good food, fun, and great company!
Thank you for your continued partnership and support of our Cedars International community!
Warm regards,
Steven Zipkes
Principal, Cedars International High School