HS Principal's Weekly Message 09/08/24

Hello Cedars International Next Generation HS Families,

We want to extend a huge round of applause to our incredible student club officers for their outstanding work in hosting a successful club fair last Friday! The enthusiasm and participation from the entire student body were truly inspiring, with each club table receiving a lot of interest.

Looking ahead, we are excited to welcome you to Meet the Teacher Night this Tuesday, September 10, from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Our first Parent Involvement Committee meeting of the year will also be held there. We hope to see you there as you follow your students' schedules, meet their teachers, and learn more about the classes.

Also, the next Game Night Club lock-in is this Friday, September 13, from 1:40 to 9:00 PM. If your student is interested, please have them meet with Mr. Hammontree for more details.

As we consider and plan a potential student field experience in November to reinforce and strengthen our school culture and core values, we must receive 100% of the required $40 student supply fee paid before proceeding. Please either go online and pay through My School Bucks or send cash to the front office. For the event to be successful, we need all students to be able to participate in the field experience.

Thank you for your support and tuning into this week’s Principal’s message.

Warm regards,

Steven Zipkes