New daily schedule!!

Recently the students and staff were surveyed on their perceptions of Project Lab, the most recent attempt to provide work time for students outside of class. The original goals of this system were to give students a chance to work with group members or seek help from teachers outside of class, but during the school day. We have been through several versions of this system and haven't found the right fit yet. 
So we decided to practice some collaboration skills! Dean of Students, Stuart Ray, met with Student Council to go over the feedback from the student survey. Once ideas were collected from StuCo, a new plan was devised and presented to the staff and StuCo. Representatives from StuCo presented this new system to the student body on Friday, Feb. 20th, following House Olympics. 
In this new model, students will meet with their House every day to check in and get announcements. Then they will go to one of the teachers' designated spaces in the school to work on assignments, meet with their team, or seek help from the teacher. The goals of moving it to the morning are to allow students to ask clarifying questions before going to class and meeting everyday will allow students to choose how to prioritize their time. 
We want to give a HUGE thank you to the student council members that helped craft and deliver this idea! We are excited to continue improving our school and bring in the input of the student body. Afterall, this is... OUR HOUSE!
New schedule